Maya Amoils, daughter of Steve & Sandi Amoils, MDs and sister to Misha Amoils, MD and Dean Horwitz, aunt to Rowan Horwitz, and partner to Angela Courtin passed away on January 18, 2022 but her spirit of giving lives on.
Maya’s grace, kindness and care for others throughout her life, and especially throughout her disease were a testimony to her open heart, her spirit and determination.
Until the last six weeks of her life, people around her often never even knew she was ill. She epitomized wellness in the face of a devastating and incurable disease. She ate healthily and exercised daily until she could no longer eat or get out of bed.
Throughout her life, and particularly during the time that she was being treated for her cancer, Maya utilized many integrative medicine options to optimize her health, reduce her disease burden, manage the many side effects from chemotherapy and surgery and to improve her well-being. She did not lose her hair during chemo, or suffer from peripheral neuropathy, or other potentially devastating side effects of the many chemotherapy medications she received.
“Maya’s Way” is Maya’s way of giving back to young people like her who are suffering from cancer. All donations will be utilized to help women under age 40 who are suffering with cancer to receive integrative medicine therapies. The aim is to allow each patient to live with optimal well-being, despite their illness.
You can learn more about Maya’s impact and read updates on Maya’s Way here: Celebrating Maya’s Birthday.
Maya’s Way is managed by The Christ Hospital Foundation. You can contribute by clicking below and choosing “Maya’s Way” in the Gift Designation drop down.